Friday, August 26, 2005


Para todos los amantes de la música y la tecnología, aquí les dejo una canción. Cuando la vayan a cantar, recuerden la tonada de "Imagine", escrita por ciertos chicos de Liverpool.

Imagine there's no Windows
It's easy if you try.
No fatal errors or new bugs
to kill our hard drives.

Imagine Mr. Bill Gates
Leaving us in peace!
Imagine neverending hard disks
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to delete or wipe off
and no Floppy too!

Imagine Mr. Bill Gates
Sharing all of he's world
You may say that i'm a Hacker
but im not the only one...
Hope someday you'll join us
and our games will fit in RAM

Imagine 1-Giga RAM
i wonder if you can
no need for left shift or setup's
and no booting again & again

Imagine all operating Systems
working all life time long
You may say that im a hacker
but im not the only one
Maybe one day i'll become a cracker
Then I'll make my WINDOWS RUN!!!!!!

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